Hwk 3 1.2

In extract A Scrooge is described as a wrenching squeezing harsh man. Who was tight fisted a man which was a miser he was a man which was nothing in the world can stop him even the wind the air the weather he was a bitter man. In extract A paragraph he was described as a cold person he iced his office in the dogdays and didn’t thaw it one degree at Christmas. from this I can see that he was cold because he compares cold to Christmas and Christmas is where it is winter and he did not even want to on heating to 1 degree in such a wintery time and that he would not care whether people were cold or not this showed he had a bitter personality toward other people

as well as he was a lonely person.people were afraid of him beggars would know not to even ask him for money even blind men’s dog appeared to know he was there and would run to the side and tug owners from this it showed me that Scrooge was feared cold man which was also a money keeper with no help to give to the poor no donations to even help them it convinces readers that he was a miser from this extract and that he was a unlawful man with a hatred of people close or even beggars in the street.










One response to “Hwk 3 1.2”

  1. informutation Avatar


    Interesting to read your thoughts about Scrooge here. I take a bit of an issue with your approach though. Is it really enough to just retell the story? I think the question asked you specifically to refer to the text in detail: this means going into how he is described, including the author’s own words.
